All the scrubs that need to gitgud complaining in the comments calling the game bugged when they just don't realize how to control this physics based game.
All the scrubs that need to gitgud complaining in the comments calling the game bugged when they just don't realize how to control this physics based game.
Game too hard, must be broken
Simple to learn, difficult to master. Finally got all the upgrades in a game that lasted just about 7min.
I changed the controls to yaw [left][right] pitch [up][down] roll [a][d] boost [s] stall [w].
Great looking game. With different courses, a 2P mode, and perhaps trick bonuses (time taken off for performing tricks) this could have been an SNES game.
I closed the window, came back later and continued my game, then closed and came back again and all my progress was lost.
Decent style for this type of game, but only one level?
Only complaint is too short!
Why aren't the ashes bound to q & e by default?
Hit detection is so irreparably broken to the point that an obstacle will kill you from several pixels away. Projectiles will pass right through solid walls. The color pallete makes it nearly impossible to see either the foreground or the character clearly. The controls are beyond floaty and basically useless. The entire concept is XD rawr kworkee!!1!on3!eleven. Piece of crap.
Why did the game developer have the same dialogue after the level as the speedrunner?
Uh it didn't save my progress...
oh no! i should mention that the game saves and loads to the browser's cache, so if you've recently cleared it your save data will be erased. other than that i'm not sure what could've caused it?
A review isn't useful unless you give the submission a 10.
Johnny Ohm
Joined on 9/14/04