Because of performance issues I could not finish this game. The audio completely bugged out as soon as I entered the snow race stage, I had no clue when he was throwing snowballs at me so I was always hit, and that made us always neck and neck which caused him to rapid fire snowball after snowball after snowball after snowball at me so I just could not win. I finally found an optimal route and he caught up with me just at them end and... threw another snowball at me. Luckily I was in the air and the collision sent me flying down the race track all the way through the finish line and past it so I won. But the audio just kept getting worse, when I was trying to fire green zone shots in the rink it kept not registering, then after restarting the stage multiple times the video started compressing and pixelating to the point it was completely unplayable.
Great concept, very poor implementation.