View Profile thelordofcheese

187 Movie Reviews

46 w/ Responses

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Just wasn't funny. Look up the other Terri films, they're hilarious. Try again. Nice graphics, though.

The eye-in-the dark gag, though...

You have to b e pretty sick in the head to think that up. "Button!"
And what's wrong with just showing blackness? Nobody does it. But my eyes don't glow!
Oh, and cheesy graphics, kinda went with it. Hehe! I like.

pretty alrite

Not a bad joke. Not the funniest I've seen, but pretty good. and nice anim, looked Dilbert-esque. The sounds kinda brought it down a little... like they needed to be tweaked.

Holy shit this guy can draw!

The scary clown thing is overdone, but he set the mood. the gore graphics coulda used some work. Sound fit. Too bad.

You blammers, spammers, and flamers are all tards

What's so bad about this? Doesn't NG love StickDeath and fight films? That's what this is, and Ive never gave them more than a 3. I woulda given this a 4, well, I'm teetering, if the animation weas great. gotta look again I guess. This is another Tsunami Loot-Up. In fact, this is going in my favs to remind me how stupid ppl are. By the way.. thanks for taking me from silver to gold!
OK, good f-by-f and nice effects. like the KKK imagery, boy, they sure are tough behind their masks. fluid. base graphics could use some work (but somehow I don't think they'll be improved...). It could have been longer. Overall, a 4, but since there was heart put into it, a 5. We can't invalidate his emotions, now then.


Only the internet could give the words to describe this. IT'S HILARIOUS! It's just so off-beat. The voicing is wierd. And the visuals are pleasing. Could use work on the audio quality, though.


And if the child is consenting then to splech with it!
Perfect! Sound could use a little better mixing, and strangely enough I liked the character models. The animation wasn't that great, though. Didn't really fit them much, but whatever.

The sound and end kill it.

The sound goes down in quality and I couldn't understand him. And it kinda dragged at the end compared to the beginning.

Mister-Twitch responds:

Were you watching it backwards?

A review isn't useful unless you give the submission a 10.

Johnny Ohm


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