View Profile thelordofcheese

187 Movie Reviews

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This is terrible at best.

Your grammar is horrible, the instructions are not explained to the extend they could, and SHOULD, be, and all that code was just ripped off a tutorial site. Not to mention the horrendous "dress-up" example, and the absence of any explaination of the rotating cube, leading me to conclude that you have no idea what is actually going on. This SUCKS!

I never saw it coming

Seriously. I was trying to figure out every possible way it could be illegal, and it just didn't come to me.

talent = script writing
you = tits. tottaly tits

Been done

and was funnier when I first saw the idea, even though it wasn't that funny. I guess I'd give the first one I saw a 1. Can you guess what I gave you? This took no effort, and had no redeming qualities. The fact that this got protected shows what is wrong with this site. It's infiltrated by people who think Jimmy Falon is funny and a good actor. no accounting for bad taste, I guess.

True. True.

That website is not real. I refuse to believe it. Holy shit. It can't be.


And what game is that music from? I forget. but ya, it's like a bad CK commercial, only more boring.

Hanna-Barbara would be proud

Modern take on a classic style. Screams late 50s - mid 60s, the same way Ren & Stimpy did. Keep this up and you'll work with Bob Camp, Billy West & John K.

The clocks have come a long way

If you have ever hated or simply just not liked a clock flash, then don't watch this if you want to retain that opinion.

Beautiful plot, wonderful soundtrack, detailed graphics. Still the compVoices, but hey! they're clocks.


This is like the 3rd Blam movie I've seen today (I think) and this one was pretty funny. Needs work on the sound (of course). If you like making fun of bad stick flashes, check out the only thing I've submitted to NG to date.

Not bad

Nice effects, and your objects moved well. The sound cut out a little early, I'd check the famerate, but it was barely before the end. Could have been improved, but still well done.

PurpleHaze responds:


I gave this a 5 because...

"Kill him." I HAVE this. It's at my rents. I made a porn with this program featuring nothing but library objects. Oh, how perverted I was when I was a.. well, I don't know how old I was. Basicvally, you got a 5 because people need to learn of this product. Otherwise it's a 3.

A review isn't useful unless you give the submission a 10.

Johnny Ohm


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