Nice job!
I'm givin you protection like planned parenthood during AIDS week. Nice music, fits the genre, goes well with the style. Graphics loked decent as well.
Nice job!
I'm givin you protection like planned parenthood during AIDS week. Nice music, fits the genre, goes well with the style. Graphics loked decent as well.
I'm not a tribute fan
but the Peter on Peter thing was kind of funny. I just wished you would have Photo Shopped him into the Peter was ther pics and added more. Taco Bell. The elavator. Shoe shopping. Stip club champagne room.
Proof that a good storyline will make the movie. Not particularly well drawn, but it has it's own charm. Childlike, much in the way that many dreams are. And that man fishing for little boys is a pervert!
Nice drawing, nice story. But some serious fallacies. The Manson patch (KMFDM), the "jocks" as the "target" on the map, the whole cafeteria scene (watch Zero Day). Not to be taken as history, but a good flash.
Also, very dated, but I guess that helps shroud the inconsistencies with reality.
Well, it looked good
but so what? That was it?
It was an introduction... It was meant to be short with no plot... Duh
I just keep watching, man...
Jesus Hernandez! Well, that's about the jist of it. makes complete sense when you don't think about anything. I love the outline of the "NG user" and how I can _almost_ see the shapes in the comp's screen. I love what you've done.
thanks for the review :)
More pointless sticks
Ok, fxf. that's cool. But fuckin sticks. With no plot, just thin excuses for violence. Oh, and change that "Back to Main" text to a symbol that you can actually click. It's like a mini-game trying to get back to the selection screen.
Yea like I said I just wanted to animate sticks.
A review isn't useful unless you give the submission a 10.
Johnny Ohm
Joined on 9/14/04