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Wow, you can do a preloader...

for a first flash that's impressive on NG, even though one is offered by NG! Why don't newbgrounders use the free preloader? Anyways, that was a sweet preloader, and the animation was kinda funny, altogether. The art was so-so, but the style was flavorful. The sound could use some work. The story went nowhere, but that was part of the humor for me. I gave it a 2, woulda been 3 with better quality sound. Nice work for a first.

I voted high

even though it was just alittle better than average (at needs work) because I was affraid some people might not "ret ir" and BLAM the submission. My fears were allayed when I saw the score. I should have voted truthfully... but I have no shame because my actions were venerable.

suck ass

what was the point of the crappy music that gets piped into our local thrift store being used for this really bad animation?


A facehugger with a lightsaber? Was it having sex with him? Why didn't "Neo" bleed?

That's one long-ass wick!

I woulda lke to see him plow the beheaded corpse, too...

The beginnings of beauty

Kinda styled like that one site from the one guy who had Tales from Hell or something.

heh. Lot better than the last submission, and I thought that was good. Haven't been to your site since Bill & Ted was on The Romp. Damn, I'm not a very good netizen.

Anyways, sound was great this time, and the whole plot/dialogue went so well together and was so funny.

Made me want to make eggs & toast, though, and I'm outa bread. Damn stores closing early on Sundays. Fucking small town. Why do I even live here. Oh well, met my girlfrined here. Maybe I should work out more. Or finish that game I've been working on. I have class later today. And I need a job. Like I care, we're all gonna die someday.

stupid premise ...

+ stupid punchline. saw it coming, still not funny.

fdigital responds:

Good for you. Now make me a cake.

too wierd

to blam. Man, seriously, wtf? sound blew get a better mic and one of the new creative audigys(audigies?). and a little too short. but made me laugh like a hell for more than half of it.

Frogcloset responds:

damn you logitech mich
Yep your right it blows

The beginnings of beauty

Kinda styled like that one site from the one guy who had Tales from Hell or something. SCREAMS ameture, but not crap, cuz the graphics are alright, but not professional, just like the voice. What sets it apart is the dialogue and plot, which is hilarious! If you improve both voice and graphics you could get far! But I didn't like the text disappearing right after it was loaded. Maybe make a 'next' button?

Matzerath responds:

Hey, he's right ... this cartoon does kinda remind me of me!

I'm the savior!

And I blammed it... too slow and no sound made it quite the opposite of interesting. There was what, that SFX when we get to hell? It shieks out on my Altec speakers that can rumble my floor even though they are on my desk and turned down as far as they can go. You need to work on the sound and speed to keep ppl interested.

A review isn't useful unless you give the submission a 10.

Johnny Ohm


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