View Profile thelordofcheese

187 Movie Reviews

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Hey, not bad

Very offbeat, but not quite like Knox. People will try to draw a correlation simply because it's claymation and the humor is not a one-liner like a sitcom. Love the way the style came out, character design is great. resolution and framerate ration could have been improved. Can't say much about the sound because I'm on one of the school's computers. The graphics are all that bring this down, that and it's short. But you're dealing with a limited filesize, so...


like the message and all, but it could have been done better.


A blam point!

Mediocre drawing and animation. Boring lack of sound (if you havew no mike, use low-volume background music). Just not interesting, because it's like those "kill this guy" flash games, except without the user interaction. I could go on but this doesn't deserve any more time.


That was hilarious! I laughed more than once.
20XX? Holy MegaMan poop!

And they just recycled mouth movements without moving the character. It's terrible I tell you! Terrible!

The story wasn't that great, in fact a little cliched. But the way the story moved along had promise. I say rework the script and reanimate it. It wasn't that bad contextually, but everything was done so poorly. The sound quality also suffered.

I knew it...

When you are a lame-duck president you have to wag the dog.

LocoChico is a crazy bitch, and linkdude seems to only like government-sanctioned propaganda. Seems he never learned anything from Orwell.

The only thing that suffered in this movie was the lack of actual moving pictures. I think stop-motion would have helped. The words jumping around were done really well. The song was great. Overall, very good, contextually and compositionally.

Hotter tha Hitler's oven

Homophobes, vg addiction, RAGE! Ti's my life! Seriously, great character design. Wonderful story. About the mom's note, mom's will actually say things like that. Here's my mom while getting into a sweltering van this weekend:
I'm hotter than a person in Hitler's oven

Just not very interesting

and that song was friggin' annoyin'! I mean, it was more like a practice piece for an actual fxf toon rather than a flash that should have been submitted to NG. The objects were just too cheesy and the song was terrible, but it shows promise in fxf.

A review isn't useful unless you give the submission a 10.

Johnny Ohm


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